Following the recent uproar over ‘The Kerala Story,’ another film named ’72 Hoorain’ directed by Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, is certain to elicit fresh controversy.
However, as soon as the teaser was released, netizens called it another propaganda project to defame Muslims and Islam.
“72 Hoorain” has recently unveiled its first look, leading to a significant controversy on Twitter with many blaming the makers for disturbing communal harmony in India.
Ashoke Pandit, the film’s co-director, published a controversial teaser on Twitter on Sunday, writing, “As promised, presenting to you the first look of our film 72 Hoorain. I am confident you will enjoy it. What if you end up dying horribly instead of meeting 72 virgins, as terrorist leaders promise? The first look for my next film “72 Hoorain” is now available. The film is set to be released on July 7, 2023.”
The film “72 Hoorain” is directed by Sanjay Puran Singh, a National Award winner, and produced by Gulab Singh Tanwar. The movie stars Aamir Bashir and Pawan Malhotra in lead roles. It has been announced that the film will be released in theatres on July 7, 2023.
The director of the film while releasing the trailer said, “These people inject poison in their minds and make common people suicide bombers. We must remember that the attackers are from families like ours who are victims of perverted beliefs and brainwashing by terrorist leaders and lead them on the path of destruction.”
’72 Hoorain’ follows in the footsteps of films such as ‘The Kashmir Files’ and ‘The Kerala Story,’ which have already provoked significant public debate and even reached higher courts.