Jammu and Kashmir BJP General Secretary Ashok Koul on Wednesday said that elections in Jammu and Kashmir are expected to be conducted in March-April next year after the publication of final electrical roll in 25 November this year.
Talking to reporters here, Koul, as per a local news agency, KDC said that January and February are not suitable for elections in J-K due to weather conditions and it’s obvious that elections will be conducted in March-April next year.
He said that the publication of final electoral roll would be completed on 25 November, following which voter list will be out and after that Elections Commission will start the preparation for conducting the elections in J-K.
While replying the question on daily-wagers, Koul said all of them will be included in minimum wages act very soon.
Notably, Koul visited Bandipora to take review of ongoing Seva Pakhwada program in the district.
He also impressed upon the party leaders in the district to make all arrangements to make Amit Shah’s rally successful